Super Reader Erin Reviews Our 11+ Vocab Flashcards

Erin is a Year 5 student and the creator of the Erin's Fantastic Reads blog where she posts honest reviews of her recent reads.

Erin is a Year 5 student and the creator of the Erin’s Fantastic Reads blog where she posts honest reviews of her recent reads. As a voracious reader, Erin posts an average of one review a week, so it’s worth checking her blog regularly to see if you can find your child’s new favourite book.

Knowing that Erin is a discerning consumer and experienced reviewer, we asked for her thoughts on our illustrated vocabulary flashcards. Here’s what she had to say:  

“I like the size of the [flashcards] as they fit into my hands easily. 

“I like having the pictures as well as the words and the actual photos are more real than drawings, which is more helpful. The pictures help me understand the words better.

“The cards would also fit into my pocket or the front zip part of my bag.

“I like the three-coloured writing on the back with the information to help us understand and use the words correctly. 

“[Out of the 4 sample cards], I knew most of the words but not ‘lethargic’. I think I will remember it now; I would visualise the card if I wanted to use it in a spelling test or for some writing.

“I could also refer to [the flashcards] to learn the definition or use them if I wanted to write a mystery story or other in the future. 

“I feel they are user friendly and I could use them myself if my mum and dad were busy. I could use different vocabulary in my work without their help.

“I like the cards.”

– Erin, Year 5

Thank you for your review, Erin! We’re glad you liked the cards!

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