Hi, I'm Kamilah

I’m an experienced tutor, grammar school alumna, and the author and founder of Wordier.

Over the last 15 years, I’ve helped hundreds of students to reach the secondary school of their dreams by building their vocabulary. 

Over the years, my students have used every vocabulary book, flashcard and word list under the sun.

They hated spending hours and hours learning definitions by rote.

Despite the hours of reading and studying that my pupils put in, I rarely saw any significant improvement in their vocabulary.

In a bid to help my students, I started researching the very best ways to improve vocabulary.

At first, I just incorporated these techniques into my lessons but I eventually found that my students needed more than that.

That's why, a few years ago, I started making my own vocab resources.

The result was Wordier.

Slideshow of images from Wordier 11+ Vocabulary Flashcards

The Wordier range is the result of years of research, testing and tweaking.

All that work has been worth it as I've been able to create a 5-star rated range that truly boosts children's vocabularies as quickly as possible.

If you want to use the Wordier way with your child, I recommend starting with our flashcards. They're a sure-fire hit with children and are ideal for 11+ preparation.