Our Story

Like many parents, my mum tried (and generally failed) to push me to read “the classics” as a child. I resisted, preferring to read “Goosebumps”, watch “Friends” and listen to audiobooks.

My mum had to be inventive if she was going to develop my vocabulary so she found joyful and interactive ways to do so. Together, we would look up and discuss the definitions of new words, explore synonyms, and learn words by theme, like studying animal diminutives (did you know a baby puffin is called a puffling?).

Although I didn’t often read classic books, my English skills were good enough to help me to gain top grades, in my English GCSEs and Classics A-level, where I finally read real classics, like Homer’s “The Odyssey”.

Fifteen years ago, I followed in my mum’s footsteps by becoming a tutor.

As tutors, my mum and I knew that a good vocabulary was critical to success and so we tried to replicate her old approach using the materials on the market. We were frustrated, however, when we found that those materials often contained errors, were ineffective or were just plain boring.

I decided the only solution to our problems was to create my own vocabulary materials. Materials that incorporated all that we’d tried and tested with the hundreds of students we’ve worked with.

To make sure the materials were as effective as possible, I read dozens of studies before I started writing. It turned out that my mum’s instincts were right (aren’t they always?): the research confirmed, among other things, that an interactive approach is the best way to improve vocabulary.

Wordier started as a little A5 vocabulary book, written in 2015, which I tested and edited over the course of several months to make sure it was just right.

We saw a difference immediately. The kids were not only using their new vocabulary but were also excited about learning more.

Eventually, the book evolved into a 1-hour class and, from there, an entire vocabulary range.

I’m so excited to finally be able to offer children an efficient and effective way to learn vocabulary. One that’s fun, rewarding and will set them up for a bright future far beyond their exams.

Welcome to Wordier.

NEW: The Illustrated Wordier Workbook 2